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Roland blade/roland cutter plotter knife blade/cutting blade 45 Degree

Roland blade/roland cutter plotter knife blade/cutting blade 45 Degree

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  • NO.:ECS000307
    Quantity: 1
  • Brand:JEEFOO
  • Sales time:2013-07-02
    Goods click count:12846
  • Tel:+86-20-86003046
    Rank: comment rank 5
  • Guangzhou Jeefoo
  • Quantity:
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Goods Brief:


Roland series plotter blades
Technical data in the overview:
- Cutting media up to 0.25mm thick
- Diameter: 2mm (0.08")/Length: 23mm (0.91")
- Available in 30, 45 and 60 degree, 0.25mm offset
- material: 89-90%Wc/10-11%Co
- hardens: 91, 5HRA Rockwell
- breaking strength:4000-4200N/mm2
- 5pcs per box.


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